Who we are
Enbridge Gaz Québec has 110 employees and is a privately owned subsidiary of Enbridge Inc. Established in the Outaouais area since 1959, Enbridge Gaz Québec is one of two natural gas distributors in Quebec. Serving more than 43,500 residential, commercial, institutional and industrial customers, Enbridge Gaz Québec owns and operates a 1 000 km gas system. Enbridge Gaz Québec, which has a franchise in the Outaouais, currently serves the city of Gatineau and the municipality of Chelsea.
Our values
We adhere to a solid set of business values, which guide our decisions and underlie everything we undertake.
The safety of the communities and the environment is our highest duty, the foundation of all that we do.
We are truthful in all of our interactions, do what must be done, assume responsibility for our actions and respect our commitments.
We appreciate the contributions and points of view of others, and treat everyone with unfailing dignity.
We encourage diverse perspectives, celebrate our differences, foster belonging and defend justice and equity.

High Performance
We achieve consistently high levels of business success in a rapidly changing world. We continually optimize assets in an ongoing effort.
Energy transformation
Committed to energy efficiency for years, and offering renewable natural gas since 2020, we intend to become the first natural gas distributor in North America to offer a system carrying 100% renewable energy, and to do so before 2050.