Enbridge Gaz Québec - Enbridge Gaz Québec

Gazifère becomes Enbridge Gaz Québec

New name, same ambition!

After 65 years in the industry, we’re adopting a new name! Although we have a new brand identity, our teams will continue to prioritize quality and safety.

We are adapting our brand to support the introduction of our ambitious projects, including the roll-out of our major regional ecosystem. Gas will continue to play a key role in energy transition by offering different decarbonization options, through hydrogen and renewable natural gas. This mix of sustainable energies will help reduce GHG emissions while meeting consumers’ needs and responding to a limited supply of renewable energy.” – Jean-Benoit Trahan, President.

Read the Announcement

Gazifère is now Enbridge Gaz Québec

If you are a customer of Gazifère, while the name has changed, the company will continue to offer you the same safe, reliable service you have come to expect.

What is changing What is not changing
Our name
Our logo
Our email (infogaz@enbridge.com)
Our bill payment options
Our 24-hour support service
Our committed crews
Our online service via Customer Portal
Our phone number (819‑771‑8321)

Check out our Announcement!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Gazifère becoming Enbridge Gaz Québec?

Gazifère, which has been operating under the umbrella of its parent company Enbridge Inc. for more than 30 years, is this year marking its 65th anniversary!

This milestone is being highlighted by the adoption of a new name. We are adapting our brand to support our commitment, along with ambitious projects, such as becoming the first gas distributor in North America that carries 100% renewable energy.

Gas plays a key role in energy transformation by offering different options thanks to the ability to integrate it with hydrogen and renewable natural gas. This mix of sustainable energy sources helps reduce GHG emissions while meeting needs and limited energy supplies.

Gazifère, now Enbridge Gaz Québec, will continue to operate with the same committed, devoted and bilingual teams from its head office in Gatineau.

This change ushers in not only numerous projects, but also a wish to work more closely with our parent company, Enbridge. Having made several acquisitions over the past year, Enbridge aims to unify its brand across all its operations. We are taking this opportunity to take advantage of strengths such as our shared commitment to our customer and values of security, integrity, respect, inclusion and high performance.

What will it mean to have Gazifère become Enbridge Gaz Québec?

You will be able to count on the same level of safe and reliable service.

Over the coming months, the name and logo will be updated to reflect the transition to Enbridge Gaz Québec. The new ones will appear on bills, the website, vehicles, employees’ uniforms and wherever you would have seen the Gazifère name.

Will this mean changes on my bill?

Your account number, our customer service numbers and our payment methods will not change.

The rates on your bill will remain the same. Rates and conditions of service are approved by the Régie de l’énergie following public hearings, and this will not change.

In the coming weeks and months, you will see more and more of the new name to reflect the transition.

Will I still have access to my account through the Customer Portal?

Definitely! You will not have to make any changes in order to take full advantage of our online tool. Your username and password will remain the same. Simply go to enbridgegaz.com to access the Customer Portal.

Will there be changes in how I pay my bill?

Nothing will change regarding your bill. Your account number will remain the same, as will your services.

The name change from Gazifère to Enbridge Gaz Québec is currently underway with financial institutions. If you make your payments by bank transfer, your institution may already allow you to select Enbridge Gaz Québec* as your provider. If not, choose Gazifère. In either case, your payment will be correctly processed.

Of course, you may wish to check out other faster and safer payment methods.

Nothing will change because of our new name if you are using our Budget Billing Plan (12 equal monthly payments).

*To ensure your payments are properly applied on your bills, please choose the provider Enbridge Gaz Québec and not Enbridge, Enbridge Inc., or Enbridge Gas.

Will there still be a 24-hour support service?

Absolutely. You can still count on our 24-hour support service. To make an appointment for repairs or maintenance, simply call our customer service at 819-771-8321.

Will there be any change in the customer service contact information?

Our name will change, but our dedicated teams will always be there, and we will continue to work to provide an impeccable customer experience. You can reach our teams by calling 819-771-8321 or writing to infogaz@enbridge.com.


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