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View allArtificial or real? Green tips for your Christmas tree!
Christmas bells are already ringing, which means it’s that long-awaited time of year again. An endless number of sweet moments are shared in the warmth of your home and traditional activities are on the calendar. Among these pleasures is the classic Christmas tree decoration. For some time now, however, a debate has been raging among environmental partygoers.
Should we choose the artificial tree or the natural tree? This is what most environmental conscientious people are asking themselves. Those who value the use of the artificial tree to the detriment of the natural one are trapped by choices that can both harm the environment.
What the experts say
Research teams have shown that artificial trees can have a carbon footprint three times higher than natural trees. As a result, climate change is still a risk and natural resources are deplored. The answer is very clear, the natural Christmas tree is the happy winner of this moral debate.
But, not so fast! If you decide to keep the artificial tree for a minimum of six years, then this is a choice you should consider.
Eco-friendly advice
Even if you decide to buy a natural or artificial Christmas tree, there are actions you can take to make sure your tree is environmentally friendly.
If you choose to go natural:
- Buy locally
- Avoid a buyer who uses pesticides and herbicides.
- Cut your own Christmas tree. Warning: Obtaining a provincial permit remains a requirement.
If you choose to go artificial:
- Choose the type of plastic your tree is made of. Some can be very harmful to the environment and your health. Among others, we invite you to avoid trees made of PVC.
- Try to use it for the next 20 years