We are engaged
Enbridge Gaz Québec plays an active role in improving the quality of life for the local community. Through its investment program, as a corporate citizen, Enbridge Gaz Québec supports organizations that share its values and work with the customers it serves.
Enbridge Gaz Québec’s Three Core Areas of Community Investment
- The environment is at the heart of our concerns with this area, which supports the management and conservation of the environment.
- Environmental Education & Stewardship
- Habitat Remediation & Conservationv
- Energy transition
- We target organizations, programs or projects that offer citizens the opportunity to be inspired by cultural experiences and thus provide the opportunity to learn and grow.
- Empowering Individuals to Achieve their Full Potential
- Building Potential in Youth
- Honoring Indigenous People & Culture
- Celebrating Culture & Community
- We encourage organizations and initiatives that focus on community safety.
- Safe Community First Responder Grant Program
- Safety Planning & Education
- Humanitarian Aid
Enbridge Gaz Québec’s community investments
Enbridge Gaz Québec’s community investments are guided by a core set of criteria. We consider donation and sponsorship opportunities in communities where Enbridge Gaz Québec operates that are:
- Primarily within a 20-kilometre (10-mile) radius of our pipeline right-of-way or near our operations
- Of prime importance to the community
- Beneficial to the greatest possible number of people
- Significant to the long-term interests of the community
- Supportive of one of our three core areas that we view as integral for a sustainable community
Examples of qualified organizations
- Community-based emergency services and organizations focused on safety planning and education
- Organizations focused on education, mentorship, and building potential in youth
- Social services agencies and organizations focused on empowering individuals to achieve their full potential
- Environmental organizations with a focus on education and stewardship, habitat remediation and conservation, and energy efficiency
- Indigenous communities and organizations focused on honoring Indigenous people and culture
Ineligible organizations and funding requests
- Organizations discriminating on the basis of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation
- Requests that benefit individuals
- Religious, political organizations or special interest groups
- Recreation or sports organizations and events
- Advertising, memberships, ticket sales, or lotteries
- Mass-mailed or non-addressed solicitation
- Endowment programs or funds
- Crowd-sourced funding campaigns such as GoFundMe
- Memorial campaigns
- Project, program or any property recognizing or named for an individual
- Statues or monuments
- Travel-related costs
To apply
Our online application form will guide you through the questions you need to answer in order for us to make a decision. To prepare in advance, please review Enbridge Gaz Québec’s focus areas for funding and eligibility criteria to ensure your organization qualifies. When you are ready, please complete the application form with our online tool “Fueling Futures”.
Decisions are typically made within eight weeks of receipt of a complete grant application, although decisions on major funding requests may take longer.
Organizations receiving funding will be asked to provide a final report detailing the results and benefits achieved through the funded project, program, or campaign.

Meeting Enbridge Gaz Québec’s core set of community investment criteria does not guarantee funding. In spite of our significant investment in communities, we are unable to support all worthy, well-qualified organizations.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Community Engagement Program Leader