Energy management solution - Enbridge Gaz Québec

Energy management solution

Manage your consumption and energy costs with an energy management solution that provides full autonomy.

Your issue :

Daily activities in your offices create “consumption peaks” that strain your energy network and increase costs. Starting the day by connecting devices or charging electric vehicles contributes to these peaks.

Our solution :

To address this phenomenon, we are now providing the first solution available in Quebec for autonomous energy management. This platform enables users to view their consumption in real time and manage their energy distribution.

It offers a comprehensive, turnkey solution

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Tested and approved!

In 2023, Enbridge Gaz Québec initiated an energy management pilot project that involved installing 84 solar panels (50 kW) on the roof of its building, 24 LFP batteries (120 kWh), and 6 electric charging stations.

In 2024, BBL Construction adopted Enbridge Gaz Québec’s solution, installing 110 solar panels and 6 storage batteries at its building.


Discover additional equipment options


Solar panels

Enhance the energy efficiency of your building using natural energy sources and without producing greenhouse gas emissions.

Electric charging stations

Provide a new service to employees and customers, both in the workplace and during shopping.

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