Gas from Renewable Sources - Enbridge Gaz Québec

Gas from Renewable Sources

A project that is close to our hearts: gas from renewable source (GRS)

GRS is gas from renewable source produced from organic waste (biomass) from farms, forests, compost, landfill sites and water treatment plants. The gas is captured, cleaned and injected into the natural gas system to be used for the same applications as conventional natural gas: heating, hot water, drying, cooking food, barbecuing, the fireplace, etc. Hydrogen – produced from the water electrolysis process –is also considered a gas from renewable source.

I want to join

The advantages of GRS?

Entirely renewable

Limits greenhouse gas emissions because it is not fossilized

Can be produced locally

Recovers methane emissions from the landfilling of organic waste

Take part in our energy transformation

You can now help improve the environment by signing up for the GRS rate. By agreeing to take part of your gas at the GRS rate, you encourage the GRS initiative in Quebec and make a tangible contribution to reducing GHG and methane emissions in the province.

Enbridge Gaz Québec is continuing its efforts to develop the GSR sector directly in the Outaouais, particularly with municipalities and farmers.

You too can support the gas from renewable sources by joining.

Are you interested?

See the impact of GRS on your bill and the environment.

The rates used for the calculator may be modified according to the current tariff. Please refer to the Condition of Natural Gas Service and Tariff.

Assessment of the extra cost of purchasing gas from renewable sources (GRS):

GRS Rate :
GRS % Annual cost Monthly cost GHG avoided

Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions about GRS?
See our frequently asked questions for more information.

Learn more