Previous Conditions of Service and Tariff - Enbridge Gaz Québec
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Important information
The name change from Gazifère to Enbridge Gaz Québec is currently underway with financial institutions. If you make your payments by bank transfer, your institution may already allow you to select Enbridge Gaz Québec* as your provider. If not, choose Gazifère. In either case, your payment will be correctly processed.
*To ensure your payments are properly applied on your bills, please choose the provider Enbridge Gaz Québec and not Enbridge, Enbridge Inc. or Enbridge Gas.
The name change from Gazifère to Enbridge Gaz Québec is currently underway with financial institutions. If you make your payments by bank transfer, your institution may already allow you to select Enbridge Gaz Québec* as your provider. If not, choose Gazifère. In either case, your payment will be correctly processed.
*To ensure your payments are properly applied on your bills, please choose the provider Enbridge Gaz Québec and not Enbridge, Enbridge Inc. or Enbridge Gas.
The rates indicated in the documents below are no longer in effect and are provided for reference only. If you would like to receive rates prior to 2022, contact us at We will be happy to send you these rates by email.